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A Fire that Glows

Lay Director (Each month, one of our Lay Directors will write an article.)

How do you illuminate your environments? We talk about studying your environments. But I don’t recall anyone talking about illuminating them. In Luke 8:16-18, Scripture tells us not to conceal our light by putting it under a bushel or under a bed. In grouping we discussed this one evening. It was very enlightening! How can you not share the love of Christ (light) that has been shared with you? When coming off a weekend, how many times do we hear that the person was “changed”, not the same person he or she was before living the Cursillo weekend? And we all know that you cannot possibly work a weekend and not feel the radiating presence of the Holy Spirit.

At the last closing it was remarked that the new Cursillistas were glowing. And indeed, they all were. Just like when Moses went up the mountain and spent time before God. He glowed so much that it frightened the Israelites back in camp when Moses came down. I believe God does that with us when we come to Him on the weekends. And so, you are on “fire” for the Lord. You have zeal and want to go out and change the world. Then the world hits you in the face! OUCH! Reality. How do you keep going? What do you do to keep your fire going? Do you group? All the time? Or when you feel like it? Remember that when taking the log from the fire the embers eventually burn themselves out. We need to stay in the fire to keep our flames alive. To keep glowing.

God has appointed each one of us to a certain task while we are here on this earth that no one else has been given. As St Paul says, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race.” We also need to keep fighting the fight. And what keeps me going? I cannot live on distant memories of past Cursillos. I need fresh events to keep going. So, to keep on going I try to stay immersed in our movement. To keep pushing forward. We are all apprentice, Christians. That means we all need to keep learning, myself included.

Go to grouping (or start a group). Go to Ultreya (when they are available in your area). Do palanca and write palanca for the weekends. Come to the Holy Hours and Serenades. Come to the closings. There is so much joy, love and laughter at these events. We are a community, and we need each other in order to grow. We all have gifts (talents) from God that no one else has. Please, use them. Don’t let them go to waste. Let us lift each other up in prayer, fasting and almsgiving to God who has given each one of us so very much. He loves YOU! Love Him back. One last thought…. when was the last time you had a close moment? Watch for it each and every day. DeColores!!!

May the peace of Christ always disturb your life!

John Lyons Kathy Otermat

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