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A Happy New Year with Opportunities

Beloved sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus, our Lord.

Happy New Year!

Just think, we are offered another opportunity to give praise and glory to our God by being His instruments of bringing the glad tidings and Good News of salvation into the world once again. Cursillo is our methodology of accomplishing this awesome mission.

The Christian Community celebrates and honors Mary, Theotokos – the Mother of God as our model on how to live out our task. First, she pondered her call by Gabriel then said “YES!” As her yes unfolded in so many unexpected ways: the hard journey from Nazareth down the ninety miles or so to Bethlehem only to find no respectable room to give birth except in a cave among the animals. Experiencing a surprise visit from shepherds, who confirmed their message from the angels. Then the visit from strangers from different countries who came to see her Son, the newborn king of Israel. The frightening journey down into Egypt to protect and save her son, Jesus from slaughter by the ruthless Herod. And the return trip that took the Holy Family back to Nazareth.

We celebrate these events now as our Christmas story. But imagine what each event was like for Mary, that is was indeed real and it was of God. From the encounter with Elizabeth, to the shepherds and the magi and the political turmoil caused by the governments. Luke tells us that Mary reflected on these things and pondered them in her heart. There in the silence God continued to reveal Himself to her with courage and insight and confidence to continue the mission she was given.

So we can learn from her, our Mother and our Queen as she stands at the entrance to this new year and new decade 2020. What is going to unfold for our world? It is a census year, an election year that seems to be politically charged and divisive. What will the weather bring? What will the economy bring?

Whatever the events and whatever transpires, which we have no control over, our faith in our Savior Jesus and the presence and power of the Holy Spirit can take us through if we rely on them and allow them to work in us and through us to accomplish our mission.

It is these things that we too must reflect on and ponder in our hearts as we bravely journey through this new uncharted year and the beginning of a new decade. The one phrase that was recorded in all the angelic encounters: “Do not be afraid.” The Men’s Spring weekend in March is beginning our Team Meetings this week. The Women’s Team will follow shortly. I ask for your PALANCA for us beginning right now. Also, we need candidates for the weekends, at least twelve for each weekend. Work on the applications by first “make a friend, be a friend and then introduce them to Christ (through the Cursillo.)” Continue to group and attend or create ultreyas in your areas. As therefore you receive Christ Jesus the Lord, so live in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. (Colossians 2;6-7)

A Call to Prayer: Lord, you call us to ministry to serve others but first you call us to be your sons and daughters. You know each of us by name and you never stop pursuing, seeking, and calling us. You desire our holiness so that we may live with you eternally in heaven. Remind us today of the first time we encountered you and the many ways we continue to encounter you. Reveal to us where our ministry has taken precedence over our relationship with you and give us the grace we need to refocus our hearts and minds on our continued call in our lives. We ask this in your holy name Jesus. Amen

May each of you be blessed in this New Year and may you always BE a blessing to all you serve.

Love ya,

Fr Jim Brown

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