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Blessed, Broken and Shared


(Each month, one of our Lay Directors will write an article.)

Greetings in Christ! Can you believe that lent is almost over? I’ve tried to spend more time reading (good books) this lent. I haven’t always succeeded! The other day I was in adoration chapel asking God what he would have me write about this month. As it would be, we are studying “Living with Real Presence: Eucharist as an approach to Life” By S. James Meyer. So I was doing some reading and out pops the words on the pages…Blessed, Broken and Shared. I felt the ‘nudge’ that this was my topic. Without getting into the book I think we can all say we are first, blessed! In so many ways!

Yes we all have our trials, our ups and downs. Our good days and not so good days. But all in all, if we are honest with ourselves, we are blessed. And I do know that when we are in the middle of our ‘stuff’, it is very hard to see the good, the blessings. But God does love us unconditionally!! Right where we are! And He loves us so much, that He won’t leave us there; in our broken, very broken mess. And the messes are sometimes what we create, and sometimes what others create, and then there are the messes that life throws at us. The ones that come from left field…fast! We don’t even see it coming. It’s here. How you and I deal with it says a lot about whom we are and in whom we place our trust. We come from a very long line of brokenness, don’t we? Go back, way back. Let’s start with..Adam and Eve. I dare say we haven’t gotten much better at getting out of our own way and letting God in; most of the time. As Meyer says, “ Finally, we take refuge on a spot where we can collect the pieces of our own truth and tape them together.

It may be tenuous, but at least it makes sense, so we stay right there. Although fragile, we feel whole for the first time. Or at least whole enough. We’d rather not move on and risk shaking things loose.” But isn’t this what Jesus asks of us? To step outside our comfort zones and be His hands, His feet, His eyes, His ears; you get the point. We are here on earth passing through. This is not our home! In our brokenness we are called by our baptism to share our lives with others. To help each other up! To be Christ to others; especially those who hurt us, bruise us. It is so very easy to love those, help those, be with those who love us.

When we are on the mountain top with Jesus on a cursillo weekend, we don’t want to leave. Lord, let me build a tent for you…..sound familiar? But Jesus says no, I need you in this torn, broken, tattered world. And we answer, But I’m broken scarred, bruised, confused, frightened, a sinner. But I want you !! Jesus answers. I Love you and I will be with you through it all. To walk with you and guide you.

Just trust in me! I remember a story I received at cursillo; you and Jesus are on a tandem bicycle. You on the front Jesus on the back. As you go through the town, twisting and turning, you are huffing and puffing, and you say to Jesus, boy this is really hard pedaling and steering, trying to stay on the road. Jesus says back to you, let’s switch places. And you do. Then, as you pedal, you take in the rolling hills, the beautiful flowers, the birds soaring around. And you say to Jesus, this isn’t so bad. And He says back, I’m glad you let me steer.

Who is steering your life? Is Jesus you Co-Pilot or Pilot? As you and I look at the crucifix this lent, let’s try and remember that Jesus is always with us, through the thick and thin. He loves us and is with us always. Let’s share His love! You are always welcome at the School of Leaders on the 3 rd Saturday of the month. Come and share in the discussions, fellowship and food. We’d love to see you.! And don’t forget the women’s cursillo this month! April 20 – 23. Holy Hour and serenade on Saturday starting @ 8. Closing on Sunday starts @ 4:30

DeColores & Ultreya

John Lyons

Kathy Otermat

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