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Brushing off the Dust

Lay Director

Sisters and Brothers in our Jesus:

Feeling dusty? We get to remember that during the Lenten Season. Personally, I gave up giving up years ago, finding that I needed to displace the not so good with the better … praying that the Lord can grace me to be a better me. Fifty years of chasing Jesus, and some years are much better than others. Looking forward to exiting the desert and finding more of Jesus as Easter arrives and I am redeemed in the loving embrace of my broken, now risen Lord Jesus and I see the marks and believe, fresh as a Spring rain and bursting blooms not to mention the beauty of the birds that are certainly a graced personal passion. I implore you to love this Cursillo Movement of ours during this Lenten Season. There is grand excitement,

well over a dozen Men’s #281 Candidates this March and probably similar numbers for the Ladies # 284 with Hispanic Men’s #282 & Hispanic Lady’s #283 also in March at Wide Water near Liberty Center. There is your Palanca to offer and share with the Teams and Candidates. There are Holy Hours and Closings and the Walk Through for the Spanish. Come and serenade, come and offer time in the Palanca Chapel, come in the joy of recalling the grace of God, the love of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit that were given to you during your 3 Day Weekend. Offer yourself as that living sacrifice this Lent to the blessing of the Cursillo Movement and celebrate your preparation for the Holiest of weeks in the loving embrace of those who belong to your Lord, too.

Additionally, I am entreating your prayers and Palanca for the Movement and particularly the Secretariat here in Toledo, as there are many issues in front of us that need the Lord’s blessing and the Spirit’s wisdom as well as the Father’s creativity. Decisions need to be made in a time of transition, as my term ends in July (as do the terms of the School of Leaders and the Facilities positions), and the issues addressed will be implemented by others, but the decisions need to be made and passed forward. The excitement of this Spring’s Cursillo weekends may be a growth for our Movement, which we have been in prayer and hope for

-for quite a while. A Decade of the Rosary a day, please – and more if you are so lead.

All that the Lord has blessed you with in time, talent and treasure are yours to give. Figure out what part of those the Cursillo should be graced with and extend your graciousness. I am excited and blessed and a bit overwhelmed. God is good ….. right now, and right here – Wow!

Joy in your Lenten sojourn ….


De Colores!!!

Tim Haney

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