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February God's Call to Love

From the Lay Director (Each month, one of our Lay Directors will write an article.)

February, the month that highlights love. Valentines day. Is this what “real” love looks like? Don’t get me wrong, that is one very true version of love. And God expects us to love one another…..right? But what love does God have in mind? To love my brothers and sisters as I want to be loved; to be treated. I remember telling my children while they were young to treat others as they wanted to be treated, not as they were necessarily being treated. And that in fact is very hard at times..isn’t it. God expects us to love our neighbors when they talk trash about us to other neighbors. When the guy in church presents an idea to the parish that was ours, not his. When our co-workers stepped up to help on a project and steer it away from us when we were really looking forward to working on it…and they knew it! And the list goes on.

Jesus went through all these things when He was here on earth. He knew what we would come up against and yet He called and continues to call us to love. He went through all of it so that we could get through it… with His strength and courage.

Mother Theresa said, “People are often unreasonable and self centered. Forgive them anyway”.

Love looks beyond the present to see what could be, what is possible. And if we cannot see it, then we need to have faith and trust in God.

Last Sunday’s gospel is from Matthew 4:35-41. The beatitudes. How am I living for God? Am I putting Him first in my life by loving those around me? And I believe that family can be the hardest to love. They know all the buttons to push.

Peace, prayers, and blessings to all of you!

De Colores!

John Lyons

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