From Our Spiritual Advisor:
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
It’s been a wonderful time being with and sharing in our next men’s Cursillo team meetings (#295). I’m enjoying time and time again our learning, sharing, and growing – even when I have faulty hearing and also speaking! It proves to me that our Lord will use all kinds of persons as precious tools in His hands. I get wonderful new ideas to amaze me as we share so much personal faith growth with one another. When shared as one’s own personal faith experiences, we can see how they all fit together to actually BE the whole Body of Christ alive and well.
So… I’m becoming even more and more aware of how important it is that I make extra efforts to invite others to live our weekends and grow in our groupings and ultreyas. Our current generation is just as much in need as any previous ones were. And with the growth of the internet and AI and more ways of connecting, what we’re all about in sharing the gift of faith is more challenging and can even be more powerful while still very personal. Discussing things like this can help us each (and all) grow and glow!!! Let’s be great encouragers……!
DE Colores,
Fr. Skip