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Happy, Blessed, and Beloved

Dear Cursillo friends,

In a book entitled, LIFE OF THE BELOVED, by Henri Nouwen, Henri reminds me of the scripture passage: "You are my beloved, on you my favor rests."

Henri is speaking to each of us as we live our lives becoming more and more aware of our belovedness. How do you and I become more aware of this unique and very special truth?

Henri and many of my friends have reminded me that I became BELOVED through the grace of my Baptism. I believe this is true for each of us.

As I prepared to write this refection, I recalled Henri saying that we are empowered through the graced life of the Holy Spirit. We do not earn this life; we have been chosen.

I am graced and happy that I am blessed to be God's BEloved.

On the fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time, Matthew's account of the eight Beatitudes was proclaimed at our Sunday Liturgy.

Matthew uses the word BLESSED are...while Mark uses the word HAPPY to convey the result of the Beatitudes in our lives.

I googled the word: BEATITUDE. Both words, HAPPY and BLESSED are from a Latin word, BEATUS.

As I thought of the word BEATITUDE and its original meaning, I was struck by the first two letters B and E.

To BE is what I am called TO BE. I am called TO BE God's BELOVED, God's CHOSEN one.

I've also been touched with the reality that each Beatitude has its own beauty and depth.

And so as I reflect even more on BEATITUDE, I realize I am invited to "BE" kind, to "BE" helpful, to "BE" generous, to "BE" welcoming, to "BE" merciful", to "BE" a peacemaker and to "BE" clean of heart.

The word "BE" makes all the difference in what it means to "BE"God's BELOVED and to LIVE the BEATITUDES.


Sister Pat Meyer, OSF

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