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He is truly risen!

My beloved sisters and brothers in Christ,

Easter greetings to all Christ is risen! He is truly risen! As we endure this unprecedented time in our history and truly miss the “normal” - everything! including the Women’s Weekend 284 (This very weekend), we are finding new ways of dealing with the situation in which we find ourselves. Just a reminder, the risen Lord Jesus is in charge. “Do not be afraid! - Trust in Me.”

Dr. Mary Healy has an interesting take on this in the National Catholic Register see: ( I think she gives us all something to think about. While working on different programs I came across some relative information that I think may be helpful for us all. Think of two circles side by side. One is your circle of influence…the people in your life that you share something in common or are in touch with them in some way: family -immediate and distant; co-workers or staff; prayer groups, Cursillo groups and ultreyas; fellow parishioners, friends and neighbors etc. Anyone who touched your life at some time or another or whose life you touch in some significant way. These are the people in your life that you can touch with prayer, outreach by email, letters and cards, phone calls and Facetime. These are the people you can share your faith with and listen to their sharing and or their needs. This list of people continues to grow and expand and is a part of our prayer time. Just think of all the people you share the Cursillo experience with by the teams you have been on, the Groups you are in or have been, the Ultreas you attend. Like blowing up a balloon, it gets bigger and bigger and that is a good thing. In this circle we invite Jesus to use us to reach out to others with his grace and love and words of encouragement.

Then there is the circle of concern. This too is an ever-expanding circle but for the most part you cannot change things in this circle, you have no influence over except your prayer. This circle would include the COVID 19 pandemic, the economic situation, the sickness of loved ones and the death of so many. The shuttering of our churches, business and entertainment centers. The feelings of isolation and separation and what that can be doing for families, our children and the elderly folks especially. Here we look to the risen Jesus and Lord to bring about His healing touch and presence to all our concerns and needs both here and now and throughout the whole world. You are all in my circle of influence and I thank you for your love and prayers and concern for me as I extend mine to each of you.

Fr Jim

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