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Help Our.... in 2021

From our Spiritual Advisors

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

We are in the process of beginning to tell the story again of Jesus Christ, having come to earth to be with us as part of God’s plan of saving the world. MERRY CHRISTMAS! Hope you all are experiencing more and more and more grace and sense of presence with Jesus our Savior.

I’d like to start to try to put this together from the beginning of time up to our own generation. We have the Old Testament which is a written record of God’s interplay with us humans. The Old Testament has lots of references to nature: beautiful farmland, fruitful vines, mountains, streams, paths, etc. It also includes tough stuff like hurricanes, floods, pestilence. We also have the story of the human condition from the creation of Adam and Eve, their sin and the challenge of getting along with all kinds of other human beings who want to run the world. God sent prophets to teach us humans to trust Him and to try to make it all work together. Aren’t we just finishing a year with multiple challenges, both in nature (e.g. Covid-19) and our politics resulting from the human inability to get along with others??

In our own generation we have a situation of our faith ancestors (Jews) still struggling to live in peace, especially those living in Israel, the Holy Land of Jesus’ birth. And all over the world, current day Jews are still struggling with things like the Holocaust and all kinds of anti-Semitism. We have the gift of Jesus, Son of God, coming to earth to share our human condition to help human beings live in peace. We are 2,020 years old and still uncovering the power God wants to give us. In our faith we understand that we are sisters and brothers to Jesus with God the Creator as our Father and Mary as also our mother. We have the opportunity to invite all we meet to share that peace as we: “Make a friend, be a friend, and bring that friend to Christ.”

Cursillo helps us understand more and more what God is giving us and wants to use in us to bring the world to peace. Our sharing of our stories of faith in Grouping, Ultreyas, School of Leaders, team formation and parties are all tools to get to know Jesus better, ourselves better and God better. Cursillo is one of the best gifts we have to help us do this. Upcoming Cursillo Weekends Men’s September 16-19, 2021 Women’s October 14-17, 2021

I’d like to end with a beautiful challenge to each of us to develop a PERSONAL PLAN to live as Jesus wants us to for the coming year so that the peace, He brings may become more evident in our lives, our homes and our world. As we personalize more deeply our faith and share it with one another we can become sparkling, fantastic, inspiring tools for our world to be much better off at Christmas time 2021! We just need to witness very confidently our precious faith and help one another grow more deeply and closer and closer together. SO: let’s each of us think faithfully, reverently, powerfully about how our faith can help ourselves, …. help our families, …. help our friends, …. help our coworkers, …. help our neighbors, …. even help our politics and those who come off as our enemies! Gonna be a challenge of course; but it will truly bring a more wonderful life!

De Colores,

Fr. Skip

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