From the desk of Fr. Jim,
My beloved sisters and brothers in Christ, who are in the Church of Christ Jesus, which is in Toledo, for those who have been sanctified in Christ Jesus through the Cursillo Movement and who are called to be saints; and for those who in every place call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, both their Lord and ours. Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
I give thanks to God, always for you because of the grace of God which has been given to you in Christ Jesus… (adapted from 1st Corinthians.)
In spite of the Covid thing we begin September, the ninth month of the year in the modern-day Gregorian calendar and its predecessor, the Julian calendar. The month kept its original name from the Roman calendar where it was the seventh month. September means “seven” in Latin. The Romans began their calendar with March that is how September becomes the ‘seventh’ month.
For many families, September also means the end of summer and the beginning of the school year. Many schools are trying to reopen with students present while still maintaining on-line learning from home or some hybrid model.
Perhaps this is a good time then to look at our own STUDY, the second leg of our Cursillo methodology. These days offer us both time and a plethora of possibilities to study our faith. The St Augustine Institute’s FORUM has so much available for us. Bishop Barron’s WORD on FIRE also offers courses on-line. Matter of fact, there is so much available to us, one hardly knows where to begin. So, as the school year begins develop a plan or curriculum for yourself. Some courses are eight of ten sessions. If you do one a week, that takes care of two months.
Maybe pick a Book of the Bible to read and study. Many Bibles have and introduction to the particular Book at the beginning.
Perhaps the life of a saint. There are a number of them during the month of September: St Gregory the Great (3rd); the Nativity of Mary (8th) and Her Holy Name (12th); Peter Claver (9th); the Exultation of the Holy Cross (14th and Our Lady of Sorrows (15th); Corneilius and Cyprian (16th); Robert Bellarmine (17th); St Januarius (19th) Matthew the Apostle and Evangelist (21st); Padre Pio (23rd); Cosmos and Damian 26th); St Wenceslaus and St Lawrence Ruiz and Companions (28th); Michael, Gabriel and Raphael -the Archangels(29th). An impressive list to learn about.
Our own School of Leaders on Saturday, the 19th of September from 9 am till noon. It is a ZOOM meeting on-line so there is no limit to the number of participants. Come join us again for the first time. One of our studies is the Book His Way by David Knight. It’s an oldy but goodie and will good for all of us to (re) - read. His book is about knowing Jesus Christ: a complete but simple plan for making the person of Jesus Christ a living reality in your life, in your family, in the world you live and work in. “if laypersons ever began to bear witness to Christ in everything they do, regardless of the risk, then the Kingdom will really be at hand.” Fr Knight.
I leave you with a little prayer from the Christophers.
Dear God, help me to focus on the good in others; to find the positive qualities in my neighbor, my family, my community, my church and even in myself. Help me to focus more on the good in life and in Your power than on what seems wrong in our world.
Help me to trust that as I focus on the good, I can more easily connect to Your hope and joy, and be inspired with solutions to change things for the better, God, help me to focus on the good that I might be a greater channel of Your light and peace in our world.
What are some of the qualities of your life for which you are grateful? I thank God for…..
“God saw everything that He had made, and indeed, it was very good.” (Genesis 1:31)
May you all be blessed and BE a blessing to all you meet.
Fr Jim