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Our Pilgrimage

From our Lay Directors: 

Hello, fellow pilgrims! This greeting came to mind often while I was attending the Eucharistic Revival in Indianapolis. What a blessing it was for me to be able to attend! 

It isn’t a greeting just for a large revival or a pilgrimage or a Cursillo weekend! We are all pilgrims on the journey from earth to heaven. One of my favorite hymns, “The Servant Song”, has this verse: “We are pilgrims on a journey, we are travelers on the road. We are here to help each other, walk the mile and share the load.” I found myself singing this as I navigated the wide, crowded hallways of the Indianapolis Convention Center where some of the presentations took place. 

The lives we live aren’t easy. I say often, to myself and others, that this isn’t heaven. Dr. Ben Akers gave a thought-filled talk on offering our bodies as a living sacrifice. He reminded us of the importance of praying a Morning Offering. Telling Jesus daily that we will serve Him with all that we are! When we offer up the difficulties of our lives - difficult jobs, difficult people, difficult situations (loss, health, etc.) to the suffering of Jesus on the Cross, these offerings take on a salvific meaning. We understand that the sacrifices we make for those living a Cursillo weekend are so much more powerful than something we do for our own sakes because they are connected to Jesus! When we sacrifice for others, we make those sacrifices holy. 

Romans 12:1: I urge you, therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, your spiritual worship.  

De Colores  

Kathy Otermat and John Lyons

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