Lay Director
Advent: A time to prepare. Prepare what? For What? Well, we have to clean and de-clutter the interior of the house to make way for all the wonderful decorations: the nativity, the angels, the shepherds. And of course, the magic of the Christmas tree (or trees) with all the presents underneath.
Then there is the exterior of the house to be adorned with many light strands. Some all white, some multi-color. Some flashing and changing colors. So many decisions to make!! And don’t forget the wreath. And the blow up Frosty to greet your visitors, always waving “HI!!”
Then there is all the food to prepare to make sure we have enough and all the "right" foods. I could go on and on (and you can if you so desire) but this is wearing me out!
How many of us actually take the time to prepare our hearts for Christ?
Stop, Drop and Roll!! OR Pray, Hope and Don’t worry.
Stop running to and from everything, you are creating a lot of extra anxiety. Pray! Give everything to God!
Drop what you are doing NOW! Remember that in God we trust. Put your hope in HIM.
Roll to put out those anxious fears! Don’t worry about them. Some things are just out of your control - but not God’s.
So, this year, I would recommend to you, my friends, to take an extra 5 minutes a day to just sit with our brother Jesus. Giving Him all our fears, all our troubles, anything that is bothering us. Give it all to Him! And then rest on His lap. Put your head on His chest and breathe. He is waiting for you!
It will be a Most Wonderful Christmas for YOU!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to all!!
John Lyons
Your Brother and Sister in Christ,
John Lyons Kathy Otermat