From Our Lay Directors:
Friends, summer of 2024 is just about over! And fall is right around the corner. It seems like only yesterday we were all celebrating Memorial day. Where has the time, the days gone? Hopefully and prayerfully you have been able to enjoy the days gone by.
One thing that life has been good at teaching me is that I need to live today to the fullest. And that can have different meanings for different people. We as Christians know that we need to live for Jesus. As it is so often said at a Cursillo weekend, we are Christ’s hands, feet, ears, mouth! We are His body on earth, and He is counting on us to share His love with the rest of the world. So often I think, I can’t do that. I don’t have the strength or enough knowledge or faith to do it. But the Bible reminds us that faith the size of a mustard seed is all we need to move a mountain. Hmmm, what mountain(s) am I up against? Remembering that I am not moving the mountain, but my faith in Jesus Christ is moving it. “Apart from me you can do nothing” John 15:5 Jesus says this as He was talking about being the vine. That brings up another thought to ponder. What words do I use to describe Jesus? Here’s a few that we talked about in grouping a few weeks ago. And these are only a few.
Love, Healer, Forgiveness, Ideal, Study, Caring, Understanding, Savior, Teacher, Welcoming, Thankfulness, Compassion, Trust, Powerful.
Maybe take some time and reflect on what words come to your mind when you say “Jesus”. Such a powerful word! Such a calming word when we are in the midst of turmoil and don’t know where to turn or what to do! “Jesus”. I invite you to try it. Really try it. Give it a shot. Nothing to lose. Especially if you never have said that powerful one word prayer “Jesus”.
Live today for today! Proverbs 27:1 “Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring”.
God’s peace and love to all of you, fellow workers in God’s fields.
John Lyons and Kathy Otermat