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Looking to God for the Answer?


What is your picture of Christ that you carry in your mind? How do you picture Him? Is he laughing? Or maybe smiling? How about contemplating? Is he crying?

I think we all have different views or pictures of Christ. And they are all correct. If we think about it, Jesus went through everything that we do. Everything that we have gone through in the past and everything we will go through in the future. But it doesn’t stop there. He walks beside us each and every day. Every minute, step, jump, hop. He is there with us. I believe the hard part is accepting that. We want to think and believe that we need to live some days or parts of the days alone. But God wants to be part of our everyday lives. The little decisions and the big ones too.

I was talking with a young man about when he knew and how he knew that he was being called by God to be a priest. He had been struggling with the decision of whether to continue on the path to become a physical therapist or stop that and go to the seminary. He had sought out the advice from many priests that he looked up to. He didn’t share what they all had told him, but he did share that he ended up in an adoration chapel praying for an answer. He said he prayed “God, what do you want me to do”? He felt God answer in his heart that it was up to him. He (God) would be with him no matter what he decided. But he persisted. “God, I want to follow your will for my life”. God seemed to answer again in his heart, “Look at your life, and how you have gotten to where you are. Think of all the people involved. Look at the high points in your life up ‘til now.” He remembered his sacraments, 1st reconciliation, 1st Holy Communion, Confirmation. Those really stuck out and he knew then that God was calling him to the priesthood. He put aside what he wanted to do and followed the call from God.

We sing that at every closing; “What do you want of me Lord? Where do you want me to serve you?” I think of this often. Am I following what God is calling me to do? And allowing Him to guide my feet, mouth, and hands? Or am I doing what I want to do. As we celebrate the Eucharistic Revival I know I need to spend more time in front of the Eucharist and really listen to what He is saying to me. How about you? Maybe listen to ‘The Summons’ (Will you come and

follow me).

John Lyons and Kathy Otermat

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