Our Spiritual Advisor Article
My dear sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus, our Lord and risen Savior.
May Jesus be praised for all the good things He has done for us. May we return the favor by offering our own lives in His service.
As Easter Season continues to unfold we move into the month of May, the Month of Mary, the Mother of our Savior and our Mother too. For some, this is the merry month of May. For us it is the “MARY” month of May. There are three Marian feast days: May 13th Our Lady of Fatima; May 20th, feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary the Mother of the Church; and May 31st, the Feast of the Visitation. Many of our parishes begin the month of May with tribute to Mary by a Crowning Service giving honor to her as our Queen Mother of heaven and earth.
It is a good and wise thing to renew our own consecration to Mary again asking her protection, intercession and guidance on our journey through life. I encourage you to seek her intercession through the Rosary and Litanies and other Marian prayers. This month also would be a good opportunity to visit the Marian Shrines in our Diocese, the Sorrowful Mother Shrine southeast of Bellevue on Rt 269. Our Lady of Consolation Shrine in Carey and our own Cathedral, Our Lady Queen of the Most Holy Rosary on Collingwood Ave. in Toledo. Make it a Marian Pilgrimage with families, friends, group reunions, maybe even a designation for an Ultreya.
The Month of May is also the occasion for the celebration of First Holy Communion for our children. I remember my First Communion (sort of) on May 4, 1952. I was six years old then and really didn’t have a clue of what Eucharist really was. But Jesus knew and has allowed me to grow into a deeper understanding and relationship with Him. I find this month as an opportunity reflect on this wonderful mysterious gift. There is always more to discover, to appreciate and to love because I am in relationship with the Person of Jesus, His true Presence, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.
The Eucharistic Revival that we are in will culminate this summer in Indianapolis, Indiana with the great Eucharistic Congress. I believe reservations are still open. But if you are not able to attend in person, I’m sure there will be plenty of opportunities on the local level to participate. Make plans now to meet in your groups and/or Ultreyas to be a part of this awesome occasion.
Another major part of the Easter Season is the Feast of the Ascension of our Lord Jesus to the right hand of the heavenly Father. And the Season culminates in the great Feast of Pentecost.
My friends on the Board of the Ministry to Catholic Charismatic Renewal are planning a special Service on Pentecost Sunday, May 19th at 3 p.m. at Epiphany Parish/ St Thomas Aquinas site on White St in East Toledo. You all are cordially invited to pray with us for a renewed outpouring of the Holy Spirit on our families, parishes, Church and world.
You all are a true blessing in my life. I pray that you will continue to BE a blessing for each other and for everyone you meet.
Fr Jim Brown