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Companions on a Journey

Writer's picture: cursillo419cursillo419

(Each month one of our Lay Director’s will write an article)


as we look at the calendar, we might say;” where has the year gone?” It is down to two months left in 2020. I think a lot of people say YES!!! Goodbye to 2020. But what will 2021 bring? We can all guess, but no one knows for certain. And isn’t that what a journey looks like? We try to plan out as best we can what we will do, where we will go, what we will see. We start out, and then things change. Our best laid plans go sideways! When this happens, we have two choices on how to deal with the change. Take a deep breath, survey the situation, and make the best choices we can. Still enjoying life. Or we can get upset; maybe go on a tirade, upsetting those around us and even ourselves.

I think that most of us have been through both situations if we are honest with ourselves. Somewhere along the way we have found that getting upset and upsetting others isn’t the right way to go. Maybe we found the peace and love of Christ on the weekend we lived. We found that being on this journey we call life is a lot easier to live if we take time to live it peacefully with those around us. Not that it is easy at times, but very necessary for our own good.

You see, we are companions on a journey. Breaking bread and sharing life; and in the love we bear is the hope we share. For we believe in the love of Our God, we believe in the love of Our God. This journey can be very rocky and rough at times. So, sharing our ups and downs with those close to us helps us to see our own close moments with God. When we share our burdens with others, the load is lightened; isn’t it? We are not strangers to each other. We are strengthened by those who care! We each have been gifted by God our loving father. We each have to seek out what our reason for being on this earth is. No one else can fill our shoes.

We have been called by God, by the word of the Lord; to act with justice, love tenderly those we meet and to walk humbly with Our God. Yes, walk humbly with Our God. If we truly seek God, we will find him. We need to keep knocking at times until that door opens for us. We need to keep asking, for it will be given. For we believe in the love of Our God. Yes, we believe in the love of Our God. We are made to sing glorious praise to Our Heavenly Father, to work in service with Jesus our brother, and let the Holy Spirit guide our hearts and minds. To walk side by side with hope in our hearts. For we believe in the love of our God. Yes, we believe in the love of Our God.

This year has been a journey of ups and downs, laughter and tears, wow! and what, singing and sighing. A lot of changes!! (More than any one of us dreamed about.) BUT we are still here together on this journey. I urge you to continue to reach out to those who need a hand, or an ear to listen. Go the extra step and love that person that drives you nuts!! Love them with the love of Jesus. You can do it because He loved us first. Let us continue on this journey as companions, lifting each other up and glorifying our God in doing this. I am so blessed to be with you on this journey. I wouldn’t want to be traveling alone.

God bless you! Peace, Love and Prayers!!

John Lyons

Your Brother and Sister in Christ,

John Lyons & Kathy Otermat

Lay Directors

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